Painful Degradation - The Violence Revived. Three albums worth of grinding hardcore from Ukraine. Comign October 25 from Morbid And Miserable Records.

Coming soon — Painful Degradation – The Violence Revived!

Today we’re excited to announce our next release: Painful Degradation – The Violence Revived! Hope you’re ready for a vicious collection of grindcore/hardcore aggression!

Originally going by the name ‘Painful Defloration’ the band started ravaging concert halls and speaker systems throughout Ukraine in 2006. Since that time they’ve unleashed a number of albums, splits, and EPs that forsake all grace in pursuit of pure, ferocious sound! Now three of the most depraved releases that bore the old name — Warrant Of Hate, Antihuman Antisocial, and Esthetic Research Laboratory — have been freshly mixed and mastered for maximum damage to your eardrums! Each represents a different era of the band, yet all share a venomous sense of malice that cannot be ignored!

Got it? New name! New masters! No mercy!

Recommended for fans of:
Insect Warfare, ACxDC, Agents of Abhorrence

The album comes to Bandcamp and CDs on October 25th! Go check out some of the preview tracks and get your order in here: