Mitten Punk Rock Flea Market - Holiday Edition - 15th December 2024, 1PM to unknown - Tangent Galery - Vendors|Bar|Live bands|Door prizes|Raffles|Snacks

Mitten Punk Rock Flea Market [[Holiday Edition!]]

Hope you’re ready for a wild time, ’cause on December 15th up in Detroit, we’ll be vending the Mitten Punk Rock Flea Market! This is the holiday edition with plenty of feel-good December fun! There will be vendors, concessions, raffles, coloring, good causes, AND live music from a host of punk rockers: Death Cat, Smidgeon, EKG, and Ellyeahdude. It’s a killer lineup for music and vendors, so come out and join us at the Tangent Gallery in Detroit around 1PM if you think you can handle it!